The Whipple Warriors and the University of Miami are proud to announce the first ever study of the long term effects of the Whipple surgery on patients.
To participate in this easy anonymous online study, click on the link below:
By taking part in this study, you will change the lives of Whipple patients now and in the future!

Whipple Warriors are now in over 28 countries and growing.
Grace Homecare provides these medically supervised services to the patient at home:
Skilled Nursing Care
Infusion Therapy
Physical Therapy
Accupational Therapy
"No one will ever have to go through a Whipple alone ever again" - Ronda Bogani Ayala, R.N.

“As a Whipple patient, I was relieved to find others who really understood what I was going through"
"Being a member of the Whipple Warriors has helped me so much. I know that I'm not alone and there is always someone on the Facebook page somewhere around the world 24/7 to talk to"
"I have learned so much from the experiences of other Whipple Warriors"
"As a caregiver, it's been wonderful to be able to talk to others who have to watch a loved one hurt and go through this. I go on the page and always find someone who understands me. Thank you for making the Whipple Warriors"
"Finally I am totally understood by those who have gone through this and get me"
"My doctor knows about the Whipple Warriors. He said that is a good place to find the experiences of others if it helps me"